People here simply call most leather coral 皮革,rarely distinguish them by the exact type. We do name them after the origin of their collection like 日本皮 or 印尼皮。You may find most people calling green toadstool muschroom leatheras 印尼皮, the yellow species is 菲濟皮。Frogspawn is called 提子.
For palys and zoas, they are all called 紐扣。If you are looking for a special type, better to look at the postings in the second hand forum or some web stores, they usually post them using their english name or scientific name.
People here simply call most leather coral 皮革,rarely distinguish them by the exact type. We do name them after the origin of their collection like 日本皮 or 印尼皮。You may find most people calling green toadstool muschroom leatheras 印尼皮, the yellow species is 菲濟皮。Frogspawn is called 提子.
For palys and zoas, they are all called 紐扣。If you are looking for a special type, better to look at the postings in the second hand forum or some web stores, they usually post them using their specific english names.