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標題: 做流常壞 [打印本頁]

作者: tony86    時間: 2012-7-23 22:50:10     標題: 做流常壞

做流成日壞,點算?之前用seio530用左半年突然一天停左,拎出黎之後洗完再試原來車業括到個內殼,唔敢再用,之後買左個sunsun jvp101,一個月唔夠,屋企個燈一閃又壞左,個牛勁熱,咩原因請指教。有無咩牌介紹耐用少少,無做流幾日會唔會有事?

作者: pat_shiu    時間: 2012-7-23 22:52:58

tunze should be better
作者: tony86    時間: 2012-7-24 20:14:37

pat_shiu 發表於 2012-7-23 22:52
tunze should be better

作者: pat_shiu    時間: 2012-7-25 11:37:35

i think tunze 6095 + 7092 control is okay for 24" tank (if budget is ok then you can buy 2 x 6095, the effect will be better)
6095 -- about 19xx
7092 --- about 5xx (also if budget is ok then u can consider 7096 controller.....7096 over 1k)
作者: Wilsonlsl    時間: 2012-8-1 09:10:57

if budget ok  MP10 is a good choice
作者: 1398killer    時間: 2012-8-1 12:39:22

tunze ---> 個人推介,~

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