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Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

最佳新人 論壇元老

發表於 2013-5-11 20:01:50 |顯示全部樓層
睇品種, 大部份係唔同環境都會有唔同的顏色表現

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

最佳新人 論壇元老

發表於 2013-6-13 11:25:04 |顯示全部樓層
r199818 發表於 2013-6-12 15:58

角珊瑚當中有蟲黃藻,如果缸中有太多no3/PO4,加上光照,佢地會在生得很 ...

未必關UV事, 玩老仔好多都要加塊玻璃格晒 D UV架... 以前D玩家用老仔玩到D角燒, 多數第一件事就叫佢加塊玻璃格UV....

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

最佳新人 論壇元老

發表於 2013-6-13 21:59:34 |顯示全部樓層
r199818 發表於 2013-6-13 17:31
一塊透明玻璃真係可以格晒d UV

不是普通玻璃, 台灣果邊好似叫強化玻璃.

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

最佳新人 論壇元老

發表於 2013-6-14 10:51:21 |顯示全部樓層
r199818 發表於 2013-6-13 22:44
哦,明白,咁師兄咁我又想知現在D 175w 250w 同 400w 鹵膽有無隔到UV呢,見有人用,無玻璃隔,咪照死晒d角

本身老仔燈膽會有檔 UV coating, 但有時有D燈泡質量差/用得太耐... 會滯露大量UV.

用緊老仔但個缸無啦啦出問題, 可以參考下, 外國用老仔 d 魚友有d會直接加野檔 UV 以防萬一.

各位不喜勿插, 唔信可以查查RC同PH8.4, 記憶中好似早幾個月先有人出左呢個問題. 本人只是分享一下... 謝謝

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

最佳新人 論壇元老

發表於 2013-6-14 15:11:26 |顯示全部樓層
玩SPS我自己覺得係分派別的. 分KZ 淡色/粉色系, 同傳統厚色柏林系.
一個係超低營養, 一個係相對上無咁低營養.
KZ成缸超淡色就靚, 但單支黎睇, 太淡色會無左厚色好多DETAILS

穩定KEEP好KH,CA,MG係最基本, 其次先係營養, 低營養有低營養玩法. 厚色有厚色O既玩法. 咩系統並唔係太重要. 最要O既係知自己個缸去到幾低營養.

要迫出色, 光係首要一環. 傳統上用 400W 老仔, T5HO 玩到靚色但無容置疑的. 但係咪真係 UV 問題, 我話未必, 唔係話一定唔關UV事.
1. 事關用老仔用強化玻璃格UV黎玩一樣無問題.
2. 大家都知道 400nm~500nm 都屬於高能量光. 已能激發珊瑚保護機制.(所謂出色)
3. 大家所講的UV, 都是指UVA 315nm~400nm. 已經能使生物受傷. 所以就算係DIY LED, 都不太建議加入400nm以下的.

跟據外國研究, 連續的400nm~500nm波長的光能促進大部份珊瑚顯色及生長, 亦係最重要一環. 所以我DIY LED 的比例係RB:B:W 3:2:2. 增強一點藍, 找不到420nm的LED. 所以無加到. 但效果都不錯.

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

最佳新人 論壇元老

發表於 2013-6-14 16:51:34 |顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 nickdo 於 2013-6-14 16:57 編輯
chihim 發表於 2013-6-14 12:31
擋uv系因為太強,但唔會100% 無uv,珊瑚出色關唔關uv事,好肯定講句。。真系關羅

珊瑚本身唔中意u ...

首先謝謝你的分享, 不過我睇文章個作者O既資歷好似只係一個店主... 而且佢講得相當 general.
Stan and Debbie established and ran a reputable fish collecting business in Hawai'i for 10 years before relocating to Kinston, NC. They now manage the fish department at Animal Jungle pet store.

之前睇過 Dana Riddle 的 How to Make Corals Colorful 系列及 Coral Coloration 系列文章, 得知400nm~500nm波長光是珊瑚最重要的激發顯色波長範圍, 基於其以大量實驗室數據及生物學論文為跟據, 以論文方式撰寫文章, 其可信性及可靠度比其他一般文章為高... 大家不仿看看.


該作者對 UV 的研究 Playing With Poison - Ultraviolet Radiation
首先實驗指出 UVR 係對珊瑚有害的.

OK - My Lamps Are Generating UVR. How Do I Get Rid of It?
There are many choices for UV filters and, even better, are widely available and relatively inexpensive. Your local hardware store probably has sheet acrylic material (sold as 'safety' glazing). Any glazing marked as 'UV Protective' will work. Common brand names are Lexan, Lexan Solar and Lucite. Thickness isn't critical (1/8" or 3/32" is fine), but orientation is - some acrylics are coated with UVR-absorbing compounds only on one side (the directions will tell you which). Avoid hardware store window glass - if the glass is green when viewed edge-wise, don't use it (3/16" 'green' window glazing transmits 75% UV-A and 3% UV-B). If in doubt, use the 'UV card' mentioned above to check the material in full sunlight.

What Are the Trade-offs of UVR Shielding?
Expect the acrylic material to attenuate photosynthetic active radiation (PAR) by 6 to 14% (depending upon brand of acrylic). As a general rule, acrylic tends to absorb most energy < 390 nm, but also attenuates violet and blue wavelengths slightly more than other visible wavelengths. This weakening is not apparent to the human eye (mine anyway) and only a meter can gage the weakening effect. Maintenance is a bit higher, since salt spray will have to be cleaned off the shield (but is much easier than scraping dried salts off a metal halide lamp).
Doesn't UVR Promote Coloration in Corals?
There is a lot of work to be done in this area, and some interesting coloration shifts have been noted in corals exposed to UVR. But it has not been determined if the coloration is due to UVR or simply an slight increase in PAR (especially violet and blue wavelengths) due to the lamp's UV shield being removed.

(注意Color Shifts係指變色, 可以係好可以係壞(即係綠色角變黃都係color shifts, acan食太光走色都係叫color shifts, 而且係不可逆), 唔係指普通的出色[pigment emission]). 當然 color shift 都有機可以 shift 到靚色O既...

Vivid fluorescent/reflective coral coloration, in many cases, is possible without exposure to UVR.

之前都講過, 400~500nm是最基本的.

我比較想知如果做實驗 UV Shielded/without Shielded 既結果. 咁就知 DIY LED 夠竟要唔要加 UV LED啦.

仲有一篇文係為LED而寫的, 睇下揾唔揾到先.

Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7

最佳新人 論壇元老

發表於 2013-6-14 17:12:10 |顯示全部樓層
chihim 發表於 2013-6-14 16:54
未必 但唔一定 都幾shield and spear 播

者系人唔食飯 但食粥都可以生存一樣者

1. 400nm~500nm 已經係最重要的 pigment excitation spectrum.
2. UV 可能有作用, 但非必要條件, 並且 UV 會有走色現象(可好可壞)

所以我話未必關事, 只係 base on 1.

所以話香港人真係唔夠 open mind, 好多野, 大家都係分享下, 就算係科學研究都會被推返啦. 係台灣甚至大陸, 魚友的討論風氣都係分享. 唔係你咬我我咬你咁, 抽稱大家有咩謂呢?? 調轉我係你的態度, 係咪又要抽稱下你唔知 MH 要 shield 呢...? 唉... 我既分享就到呢度啦...
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